Animal shelters are an essential part of animal welfare programs, as they guarantee daily care for animals. As Europe's largest animal welfare umbrella organization, the German Animal Welfare Federation represents the interests of around 740 affiliated local animal welfare associations with 550 animal shelters and rescue centers. We provide support in the form of various advisory and information services, including legal advice, several relief funds, food donations and animal aid vehicles.
How we help animal shelters

1 e.g. assessment of an animal shelter in accordance with the animal shelter regulations, support in planning improvement measures, help with medical and technical issues, advice on new construction and conversion plans, etc.
2 e.g. the seminar on proof of expertise
3 e.g. argumentation aid for the reimbursement of found animal costs, public relations guidelines and many more
4 e.g. building aid, fire department fund for emergencies, support for neutering campaigns, etc.
Review of the year 2023Our consulting services in figures
The animal shelter advisory service visited 127 animal shelters and provided advice in 377 cases.
The legal advice team supports the associations with their legal concerns in 1.720 cases in writing and in 520 cases by telephone.
Over 90% of the associations already used the internal area as a platform for obtaining information, exchanging ideas and as a direct line to us.
What memberships are available?The German Animal Welfare Federation offers these memberships
In the case of ordinary membership of the German Animal Welfare Federation (Deutscher Tierschutzbund e.V.) or a regional (animal welfare) federation of the German Animal Welfare Federation, the requirement of dual membership applies. This means that an association must be a full member of both the federal and the state (animal welfare) federation in which its registered office is located.
Who can become a full member?
Non-profit registered animal welfare associations that have their main focus of work in Germany and have been in existence for at least 3 years.
In the case of extraordinary membership, the requirement for dual membership does not apply, but we would like to recommend that you become a member of the regional (animal welfare) association responsible for you at the same time due to the valuable regional networking.
Who can become an associate member?
The basic requirement is that your association/organization is non-profit, has been in existence for 3 years and has its main focus of work in Germany.
Corporate membership is for associations that focus their work abroad.
Who can become a corporate member?
Corporate membership is currently suspended.