How to recognize whether a young bird needs helpWhat should I do if I find a young bird?
As soon as the temperatures get milder and spring is just around the corner, our native birds are busy: from around March to July, blackbirds, tits, robins and the like build nests and raise their young. build nests, breed and raise their offspring. At this time of year, people often find seemingly helpless young birds while out walking and are concerned. We explain when you should help them.
Anyone who sees a small bird sitting on the ground is usually unsure whether the animal is really well or in an emergency situation. These caring thoughts are exemplary - but the young birds are not necessarily in a critical condition.
The young birds found are often nest fledglings such as ducks or geese. The animals hatch with down feathers and are real daredevils: they go on an exploratory tour after just one or two days and leave their nest before they can fly. As a general rule, you should observe the animal you think is in need of help from a certain distance. If the fledgling is injured, it will also need help. In this case, contact an animal welfare organization or animal shelter in your area or contact a vet directly.
Returning baby birds without feathers to the nest
If you find an unfeathered young bird, you should take action. Unfeathered baby birds belong in the nest, where their parents care for and protect them. These are so-called nestlings, which are born naked and - as the name suggests - are initially very attached to their nest. These include pigeons, woodpeckers and songbirds, for example. They only explore their surroundings when their plumage is fully developed. So if you see a young bird without plumage outside its nest, you should carefully put it back there if you know the right nest. If a young bird with feathers is in danger - near a busy road, for example - it also needs help. It is best to put it in a safe place, such as a hedge, so that the parents can find the young bird and continue to care for it. In both cases, you can carefully pick up the animal. It is not confirmed that bird parents reject their children as soon as they smell of humans. In fact, they don't mind if the little birds have been touched by you.
Breeding is the task of experts
Helpless nestling chicks are dependent on support in the first period after hatching, as they would otherwise have little chance of survival. If a nestling or fledgling is injured, only specialists should take over the rearing. It is important that you do not simply take a found animal home with you. It is better to get professional help from an animal welfare organization, a veterinary practice or a rescue center.