What you should bear in mind when keeping a dogKeeping dogs properly
Dogs are considered man's best friend and have been our most loyal companions for thousands of years. Around 10.6 million dogs live in Germany1- making them one of the most popular pets. However, in order for a dog to feel at home, there are a few factors to consider - in addition to time and love, training and patience are also required.
With their mostly open-minded nature and loyal soul, dogs touch the hearts of many people. Most of us enjoy contact with dogs and want them by our side as animal companions. But anyone who wants to keep a four-legged friend must be aware that they are taking responsibility for a living creature that is dependent on us humans. Attention, care, attention and time are part of everyday life with a dog.

Before a dog moves in with you
If you want to take in a dog, you should consider in advance whether you can do justice to the animal. Be aware that this is a long-term decision. A dog can live up to around 14 years. In the case of pedigree dogs, it is best to consider the typical characteristics and the associated requirements for keeping the dog. External characteristics should be secondary in the selection process. Depending on their type and age, dogs need a lot of exercise and want to be kept busy. It is only advisable to get a dog if you have enough time. If you are renting and would like to adopt a dog, it is best to check your tenancy agreement first. Talk to your landlord or the property management company in advance to find out whether a dog is allowed in the apartment. You should also consider the regular costs involved. Money for food, dog tax, insurance and visits to the vet must be budgeted for. The cost of living varies greatly depending on the size and breed of dog.
Adopt a dog
Many thousands of dogs are waiting in animal shelters 2are waiting for a new, loving home because, for example, the circumstances of their previous owners have changed or they have not informed themselves extensively in advance. You can get to know the dogs living there and take them for a walk. The staff know their animals very well and are very good at assessing which dog will suit you and your circumstances. Each dog has its very own character and the chemistry between dog and human has to be right for them to live together harmoniously. If you cannot find your dream dog despite an intensive search in animal shelters and would also like advice from breeders, take a close look. Ask to see the mother and siblings. All animals should be outgoing and lively. It is also important that the breeder answers all your questions, explains the typical characteristics of the dog breed and takes an interest in your home and living conditions.
Training and dog school
Your dog should be able to follow basic commands such as "sit", "down", "come", "stay" and "off" safely, even when distracted, and walk on a lead without pulling. Clear rules and loving, consistent dog training contribute to a trusting relationship between dog and owner. Pressure, harshness or violence in dog training have a negative effect on the bond and can turn dogs into "problem dogs" in the first place.3 Attending a good dog training school can help with training. They are there to impart knowledge to dog owners and provide assistance. However, experience has shown that dog schools can vary greatly in the quality of their training and education concepts. You should therefore inform yourself well in advance about the dog school of your choice.
Go for a walk in any weather
Whether it's sunny or raining: Take your dog out four times a day so that he can do his "business". During walks, your dog comes first. Give him the time he needs so that he can pursue his natural needs: Dogs are running animals and, depending on their age and breed, need plenty of exercise. They like to run and sniff around, seek contact with other dogs and mark their territory. Integrate various games into your walks to strengthen the bond with your pet. All of these things have a positive effect on your pet's well-being and health. Don't forget to clean up your pet's droppings with a poop bag when you go for a walk.
How much does a dog cost?The examples are minimum costs and a rough estimate*

The purchase price for an adoption from an animal shelter, rare breeds or dogs from a breeder can cost up to several thousand euros.

e.g. for bowls, baskets, leashes, collars/harnesses, toys, muzzles, transport accessories etc.

for dog tax, liability insurance, food, vaccinations, worming, possibly surgery/animal health insurance

e.g. visits to the vet, medication, dog school, additional toys etc.
* The cost estimate depends on factors such as breed and size of the animal, place of residence, (pre-)illnesses, feeding method etc.. Additional costs incurred for vets, health insurance etc. cannot be calculated as a lump sum, as they simply vary greatly from individual to individual. The life expectancy of animals also varies (for dogs it is between 8 and 14 years).
Register your dog
54 percent of all dogs and cats in Germany are not identified and registered. If the animals run away, it is much more difficult to find them safe and sound. Therefore, have your dog identified and register it free of charge with FINDEFIX, the pet register of the German Animal Welfare Federation. This will enable us to identify your pet as quickly as possible if it goes missing and is reported to us.
Sources and further information
1 https://www.zzf.de/marktdaten/heimtiere-in-deutschland
2 Here you will find an overview of which accessories are suitable for dogs from an animal welfare perspective as well as information specifically on training collars. (available in German only)
3 Further information on which training methods and aids are acceptable for dogs from an animal welfare perspective can be found in our position paper. (available in German only)