Dog puts his paw in a hand

Thank you on behalf of the animalsSponsors

In addition to the commitment of members, donors and sponsors, corporate support is also an important pillar of the work of the German Animal Welfare Federation.

At this point, special thanks go to our long-standing partners Mars Petcare and Fressnapf. These partners have supported us for many years through various campaigns. They ensure that practical animal welfare receives more attention and at the same time support it with financial and in-kind contributions.

We would like to thank everyone who has supported our animal welfare work, especially the following companies:


  • Food and material donations
  • Adoption centers
  • "Tierisch engagiert" donation initiative
  • Charity campaign "Friendship connects"

Mars Petcare

with the Whiskas and Pedigree brands

Media Partners

We thank

Ein Herz für Tiere

Wellfairs GmbH

  • Veggie World

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