German Animal Welfare Federation calls for renegotiation of the Animal Welfare Act Commentary

Close-up of a young, black and white bull calf

On May 22, the draft for a new Animal Welfare Act is to be presented to the Federal Cabinet. In view of the ongoing criticism and the completely inadequate regulations from an animal welfare perspective, Thomas Schröder, President of the German Animal Welfare Federation, is calling for renegotiations:

"The draft for a new animal protection law known to date neither fulfills the requirements of a national objective nor does it correspond to the content of the coalition agreement. I urgently advise Federal Minister Cem Özdemir not to submit his draft to the cabinet on Wednesday, but to focus on renegotiations. After the summer break, there is still enough time for the parliamentary process and a decision before Christmas. All that is needed is courage and the political will. Then the law, which has so far been geared towards benefits, can still become an animal protection law worthy of its name."

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