Anyone wishing to impart animal welfare knowledge to children and young people between the ages of seven and 13 in an age-appropriate manner can apply for further training to become an animal welfare teacher until February 15 at www.jugendtierschutz/tierschutzlehrer. In four weekend modules and two evening events, participants, who should ideally have an educational background and/or a connection to animal welfare, will learn how to introduce children to animal welfare topics.
"The topic of animal welfare concerns us all - even the youngest children. As the curricula of the federal states do not take this sufficiently into account, we would like to close this gap by offering further training for animal welfare teachers. We teach participants how they can adequately prepare animal welfare topics for primary school children. The training course provides them with the necessary tools and specialist knowledge on how to do this successfully at school or in child and youth animal welfare work," says Maja Masanneck, Head of the Youth Animal Welfare Department at the German Animal Welfare Federation.
The further training to become an animal welfare teacher is divided into four face-to-face and two online modules. The face-to-face events take place from Friday afternoon to Sunday evening, alternating between Essen and Bochum - the online seminars start in the evening. The program starts on April 17 with an introductory online seminar. This will be followed by the four main face-to-face modules. In the first module on "Animal welfare in Germany", participants will learn general methods of child and youth animal welfare work and, among other things, how to structure an animal welfare project. Afterwards, the topics of pets, animals in agriculture and wild animals are on the agenda. A webinar on "Digital youth animal welfare", which covers topics such as content with animals on the internet and the graphic design of animal welfare materials, rounds off the overall package. In total, the training comprises around 85 hours of collaborative learning time in the seminars. There are also tasks for preparation and follow-up. The participation fee is 180 euros.
The training is aimed at people who look after children and young people, teachers and people with a specific connection to child and youth work. After completing the modules, the animal welfare teachers receive a certificate. Further information and all dates can be found online at The number of participants is limited to 24.