Animal keeper squats on a meadow at the Weidefeld Animal Welfare Center and feeds 3 raccoons

This is what we stand for

As the umbrella organization for animal welfare associations and animal shelters in Germany, we are committed to the protection of every single animal.

Animal welfare organizations

740 local animal welfare associations are members of the German Animal Welfare Federation.

Animal shelters

Of our 740 member animal welfare organizations, 550 run their own animal shelter or rescue center.

National associations

There are 16 regional associations affiliated to the German Animal Welfare Federation.

Animal rights activists

We represent the interests of 800,000 organized animal rights activists.

Our vision

A society that respects all animals as fellow creatures, shows them compassion and respect and protects them from suffering, pain and fear; that also recognizes free-living animals as individuals and protects their natural habitats.

Our mission

All activities of the German Animal Welfare Federation are geared towards realizing this vision:

  • We stand up for the protection of every single animal - in the context of an environment and nature worth living in.
  • The basis of all our commitment is animal welfare with heart and mind. We are fighting for an end to animal suffering in Germany, Europe and worldwide.
  • We are fighting to ensure that no animal suffers or is killed for human benefit.
  • We actively support social change towards greater animal welfare.
  • We are independent and do not seek institutional funding.

Our pillars

Practical animal welfare work

We carry out practical animal welfare work on site.

Tierpfleger des Tierschutzzentrums Weidefelds streichelt aus Odessa evakuierten Hund, der ihn glücklich anschaut.

Scientific basis

We base our demands and activities for the protection of animals on the latest knowledge, our own research and findings, and professional, scientific principles.

Cows eating in the barn.

Animal welfare law

We initiate and support legislative procedures with the aim of improving the legal basis for animal welfare and use legal remedies where appropriate.

Close-up of a chick surrounded by other chicks

Contact with politics

We maintain contact with politicians, administrators and relevant associations in order to promote animal welfare and advance it with the support of animal welfare-friendly partners.

Thomas Schröder with Federal Minister Cem Özdemir

Lighthouse projects

With lighthouse projects and model facilities, we show ways that lead to greater animal welfare.

Tierpflegerin streichelt Hund.

Sharing animal welfare knowledge

We pass on our animal welfare knowledge in lectures and train animal welfare activists and interested citizens in our own facilities.

A hand strokes the head of a very happy dog looking happily into the camera

Informing the public

We inform the public about animal suffering and ways to prevent it.

Stand Kampagnen auf Mitgliederversammlung

Promoting youth animal welfare

We also communicate animal welfare to future generations by encouraging and supporting children and young people in the field of animal welfare.

Mädchen aus dem Jugendtierschutz sitzt nah vor einem Schaf auf der Wiese und schaut es an


We network nationally and internationally to strengthen animal welfare and nature conservation.

Two rabbits on a green meadow

Strong team

We fight for our goals and tasks with a team of committed volunteers and full-time employees and make efficient use of their diverse strengths. We support them through training and further education. In this way, we ensure that we constantly incorporate the latest innovations into our work to further our commitment to the welfare of animals.

Ein Gruppenfoto der Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter des Deutschen Tierschutzbundes

Principles of our work

  • We approach all animal welfare issues with heart and mind.
  • In our work, the animal comes first, but we do not forget the human being.
  • Where human fate is the cause of animal suffering, people also need help. We therefore seek cooperation with those who care for these people.
  • We reject violence against animals and humans. We use democratic and legally legitimate means to achieve our goals. We stand up for the basic rights and liberal democratic values enshrined in the German constitution and refuse to cooperate with anyone who rejects or wants to abolish these basic rights and order.
  • We are consistent in our animal welfare policy, but neutral in terms of party politics.
  • We value everyone in society who supports our goals and tasks in line with our mission statement as a valuable partner - regardless of gender, origin, religious or sexual orientation.
  • We stand for a democratic, open-minded society and reject any form of discrimination, especially when animal welfare is misused as a means of defaming social groups.
Working at an animal shelter in Berlin - Small dog in the arms of shelter employee
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