Animal keeper in Weidefeld stroking two happy dogs.

Our partners

Unity is strength - the German Animal Welfare Federation therefore works together with various other organizations at national and international level. On the one hand, such cooperation takes place selectively in order to tackle very specific problems. On the other hand, we work together with other associations within the framework of fixed alliances.

National alliances

International cooperation

Participation in committees

Scientific facts and their interpretation are never value-free. It must be our task to compile all findings that can be used for the justified protection of animals and to represent them in the expert discussion. Experience shows that the mere presence of an animal welfare representative often leads to more attention being paid to facts relevant to animal welfare. Important foundations for political decisions are often developed unnoticed by the public through persistent discussions in various expert committees. For these reasons, the German Animal Welfare Federation is active in many committees.

Exemplary committee work in the federal states

  • Animal task force for seabird rescue in cooperation with the "Landesbetrieb für Küstenschutz, Nationalpark und Meeresschutz" (State Agency for Coastal Protection, National Park and Marine Conservation) and the THW (Tönning, Eckernförde)
  • "Arbeitskreis Seehunde Schleswig-Holstein" (Schleswig-Holstein seal working group), annual participation of the German Animal Welfare Federation (observer status)

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