Stray cat on Mallorca

Practical help for animals in needAnimal welfare organizations abroad

The German Animal Welfare Federation's practical emergency aid for animals does not stop at national borders. Cooperative partners are already active in many European countries and we support them.

In line with the motto "helping people to help themselves", we offer animal welfare activists in Southern and Eastern Europe technical and financial support, e.g. in neutering campaigns, in setting up animal shelters or in fostering adoptions on-site. We help with direct negotiations with embassies and politicians. In justified exceptional cases, dogs from southern Europe are placed for adoption via animal shelters run by the German Animal Welfare Federation in Germany.

Tierschutzverein Santorini Mainz e.V.
Mrs. Elke von Pilgrim
Holunderweg 24
55128 Mainz
Tel.: 06131 / 36 88 31
E-Mail: info(at)

Lega Pro Animale
Mrs. Dorothea Friz
Via Mario Tommaso
81030 Castelvolturno (CE)
Phone and Fax: 0039 (0)823 / 85 95 52

Pro Animale für Tiere in Not e.V.
Mrs. Johanna Wothke
Heugasse 1
96231 Bad Staffelstein
Tel.: 09721 / 60 84 06
Fax: 09721 / 60 84 07
E-Mail: zentrale-sw(at)

DIDONA - Veterinarians for Animal Protection and Welfare in Croatia
Dr. Tatjana Zajec
Jelkovacka 2
10360 Zagreb
E-Mail: tatjana.zajec(at)

German address:
Ms. Gordana Soller
Neuhauser Straße 21
71263 Weil der Stadt
Phone: 07033 / 4660448

Förderverein Tierhilfe Hoffnung Hilfe für Tiere in Not e.V.
Mr. Matthias Schmidt
Schwarzer-Hau-Weg 7
72135 Dettenhausen
Tel.: 07157 61341
E-Mail: kontakt(at)

Arche Noah Teneriffa e.V.
Mr. Elmar Lobüscher
Obergasse 10
64625 Bensheim
Tel.: 06251 / 66 117
Fax: 06251 / 66 111
E-Mail: info(at)

Deutscher Förderverein für den Tierschutz in Europa e.V.
Mr. Jürgen Plinz
Friedenstr. 30
52351 Düren
Tel.: 02421 / 27 69 928
Fax: 02421 / 27 69 919
E-Mail: tiere(at)

Pro Animale für Tiere in Not e.V.
Ms. Johanna Wothke
Heugasse 1
96231 Bad Staffelstein
Tel.: 09721 / 60 84 06
Fax: 09721 / 60 84 07
E-Mail: zentrale-sw(at)

Tierhilfe Fuerteventura e.V.
Dr. Tanja Waschkowitz
Über dem Kreuzstein 22
37127 Dransfeld
Tel.: 03222 / 2006107
Fax: 02369 / 200340
E-Mail: thf(at)

Tierhilfe Mallorca e.V.
Fundacion Arche Noah
Mrs. Helga Knies
Calle Pedro Seriol No.22
07150 Son Curt / Andratx
Fax: 0034 (0)971 / 672805
Phone: 0034 (0)659 / 569077
E-Mail: Tierhilfe-Mallorca(at)

German address:
Marktplatz 6
65428 Rüsselsheim
Phone: 06142 / 16460
Fax: 06142 / 173810

Hilfe für die Straßentiere in Datca e. V.
Dr. Gudrun Bohn-Schwarz
Im Dorfe 10
38542 Leiferde
Tel.: 05373 / 3255
Fax: 05373 / 3272
E-Mail: post(at)

Franz von Assisi - Hungary - Tiere in Not e.V.
Mrs. Marianne Wiethoff
Niersstr. 39
41469 Neuss
Tel.: 02137 / 42 53
E-Mail: marianne.wiethoff(at)

As the German Animal Welfare Association, we are also active with our own projects in Romania and with our Odessa Animal Welfare Center in Ukraine for street dogs and cats.

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