Animal welfare against racism and extremism
Bonn Declaration of the German Animal Welfare Federation on the current political situation in Germany and Europe
The German Animal Welfare Federation views the increasing social polarization in Germany and Europe with great concern. The strengthening of right-wing political parties and the infiltration of demonstrations by anti-democratic forces threaten the political culture. The disinhibition and aggression in social networks are making constructive social discourse increasingly difficult. The defamation of political actors and dissidents has reached a level that threatens the cohesion of society and the future of democracy in Germany and Europe in a way that has not been the case for a long time. We organized animal rights activists are therefore raising our voices and saying clearly:
The German Animal Welfare Federation has had an eventful history since its birth in 1881. Founded during the German Empire, our federation was deeply entangled in the ideological madness of the regime during the Nazi regime as the Reichstierschutzbund. This makes it all the more important that we as animal rights activists now fight all the louder to defend democracy against those who are increasingly openly threatening to abolish fundamental rights and the free and democratic basic order of our state.

are committed to freedom, democracy and social pluralism. We reject any cooperation with parties and political groups, that misuse animal welfare not for the benefit and protection of animals, but to incite hatred against religious communities and as a cover for racism and exclusion.

are democratically organized. Our member associations, our regional federations and the national federation are led by people who were elected to these positions in free, equal and secret elections. We are in close contact and exchange with the democratic parties, political groups and governments at EU, federal and state level, in the federal states and municipalities and participate in the democratic formation of opinion and will.

are part of a defensible democracy. We are neutral in terms of party politics, but politically consistent. We stand with the demonstrators who take to the streets for an open and defensive democracy and against right-wing extremism. We will fight for our free and democratic basic order with all the political and legal means at our disposal.

protect animals, the environment and people alike. We reject violence against animals and humans. We use every democratically and legally legitimate means to achieve our goals. Any political party or group that excludes or defames people on the basis of their gender, origin, religious or sexual orientation will be our opponent.

are proud of the fact that many people from different backgrounds, religions and sexual orientations are involved in animal welfare. Animal welfare needs all people. Only liberal-democratic systems enable an open and active civil society that can get involved in animal welfare. Totalitarian and pseudo-democratic systems, on the other hand, only make animal welfare possible, that the ruling group enables and prescribes.