German Animal Welfare Award
The German Animal Welfare Award is intended to honor people, initiatives and associations that are passionate and committed to animal welfare and at the same time help animals. The award is a joint initiative of the German Animal Welfare Federation, the Whiskas and Pedigree brands and the magazine "Ein Herz für Tiere". At a festive gala in Berlin, prizes in the categories "Lifetime achievement", "Voice for the animals" and "Audience award" will be presented in addition to the German Animal Welfare Award, which is unique in Germany.
1st place: Herzensangelegenheit - Menschen für Tiere und Tiere für Menschen in Not e.V.
2nd place: Esel in Not e.V.
3rd place: Achtung für Tiere e. V. (life farm, youth work, political work: pony carousel)
Lifetime achievement: Marlene Steltner Lange (Verein Aktiver Tierschutz e.V.)
Special category "Ukraine-Hilfe": Frank Lauer, Tierretter Tierhilfe Camp in Medyka, Tierschutz Henstedt-Ulzburg e.V., Tierschutzverein Berlin und Umgebung e.V.
Readers' Award: Sabine Eck Die Seelentröster - Tiere helfen Menschen e.V.
1st prize: Freital Animal Welfare Association led by association chairwoman Regina Barthel-Marr
2nd prize: Dr. Renate Keil (bats)
3rd prize: Sina and Yara Marchioni (street cats)
Lifetime achievement: Ewald Ferlemann
Special category "Flood relief": Bundesverband Gemeinschaft Deutscher Tierrettungsdienste e.V., Tierheim u. Tierschutzverein Kreis Ahrweiler e.V. am Standort Remagend, Tierschutzverein Andernach u.U. e.V. g
Readers' Award: Simone Staatz / Tierschutzhof Familie Staatz
1st prize: "Düsseldorfer Streetdogs" project of the Tierhilfe Streuner & Co e.V. association
2. 2nd prize: Jaqueline Gräfe / Eichhörnchen Notruf e.V.
3rd prize: Greifvogelauffangstation Fürth
Lifetime achievement: Andrea Rücker
Special category "Animals with a handicap": IG Blinde Pferde e.V., De Hun'nenhoff Foundation, Hürdenwellies e.V.
Readers' Prize: Merwel Otto-Link / Hedgehog Care Rotenburg/Wümme
1st prize: Dogman Tierhilfe e.V.
2nd prize: "TiNa macht Schule"
3rd prize: Carola Mälzer / Tierschutzverein Güstrow
Lifetime achievement: Bruno Steder
Special category "Tiertafeln": Frankfurter TierTafel e.V. , Notnasen-Hilfe Genthin
Reader prize: Tiernothilfe Nord e.V. from Soltau
1st prize: Ann-Catrin Schmidt
2nd prize: Dr. Susanne Schmidt (Wildtierauffang- und Pflegestation Cottbus-Skadow e.V.)
3rd prize: Airliner4Animals e.V.
Lifetime achievement: Gudrun Lumpp
Special category: Pigeon protection
Adolf Hempel Prize for Children & Young People

The Adolf Hempel Prize is awarded to projects by children and young people who are committed to animal welfare and implement their own ideas and projects. Groups of children and young people with at least six people, for example school clubs, school classes or youth animal protection groups, as well as individuals, can apply. People up to the age of 20 are eligible to take part. The prize is endowed with a total of 2,500 euros.
Applications are currently not possible.